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根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

Martell Noblige, 700ml

Martell Noblige, 700ml
Martell Noblige, 700ml
  • Stock: 2
  • Reward Points: 610
  • Model: 2118
  • Weight: 700.00ml
The Colour

Dark gold with copper hues.
The Aroma

Abundant fruit notes of pear and prune, exotic hints of vanilla pod and caramelised grape, and a distinctive woody character with notes of myrrh, cedar and fine-grained oak.
The Taste

An elegantly struct